The villa: with Nemo


Everything is quiet, the rental villa is isolated on the coast, nobody within 2 kilometers.

You doze on your inflatable mattress, enjoying the sea air in the middle of the pool, when suddenly "Splash !!!"

You look up and look around, nothing. Just a few waves on the water. Then a purple bikini top goes to the surface right next to you.


I startle and almost fall over the mattress. ‘What the hell?!’ I think, ‘they all went to the town market, no one should be home’. However, I know that bikini. I’ve been stealing glances for the past week at what’s under that barely covering piece of fabric. It’s Cécile’s. My sister’s friend that she’s having over for their summer holiday.

I quickly snatch the bikini top from the water and look around for Cécile. I can form only one thought and it’s drilling itself deeper and deeper in my brain. Her breasts. Glorious, soft, perfectly shaped, massive boobs. God knows how many times I’ve masturbated to them..and they are finally out in the open!

I keep looking, but I can’t see her. Suddenly, the mattress twists and I get thrown in the water. I’m still holding firmly onto the bikini top. I try to get my bearings and get back to the surface. I gasp for air and, as soon as I can see clearly, there she is. On the other side of the mattress. ‘Damn it! I can’t see them!’ I think while I try to play it cool.

“Cécile, what are you doing here? I thought you all went to the town market” I say while regaining the mattress and using it to help me float.

“I made up an excuse and came back…didn’t want to pass the opportunity-” she pauses and looks at me grinning “to give you a hard time.”

“What do you mean? I can’t say I go along with my sister but I don’t have any issues with y-”

I’m just finishing my sentence when I feel her foot rubbing my leg and moving up towards my crotch.

‘Oh shit! this is not happening’ I can’t believe what’s happening and even tho she hasn’t touched me yet, my swimsuit is barely containing my erection.

“Say, would you mind giving it back?” she asks, pointing with her head at the bikini I’m still clenching in my hand.

I must look like an idiot because I can only follow her gaze towards my hand and then realize.

“oh..Oh! OOH! Y-yes! sorry! Here…”

“Thank you. Why don’t you go sit over there, on the edge while I fix myself” she tells me more than asking.

“Uhhh…” I start thinking about an excuse, very self conscious of my hard-on, but she cuts me off.

“Oh, are you embarrassed? Do you think I’ve never seen a guy sporting a tent before?”

I’m completely lost for words and my body moves on its own towards the edge of the pool just so that I don’t have to look at her. A storm is going in my head while I reach the edge and I hoist myself out of the water. I turn and sit down. She is almost done putting her bikini on. I can see the side of her breasts, which doesn’t help with my erection.

When she’s done, she turns and starts making her way towards me. I try to sort of cross my legs but it just doesn’t work.

‘Oh god! Here she comes. Shit! what do I say??’

Cécile is in the water right below me. She reaches up and grabs my legs to spread them out.

“Uhmm…is that for me?” she giggles and moves her hands over my cock.

“Ce-Cécile! What…”

“Oh, stop it! I told you I would give you a hard time, no? Now relax and enjoy…if you can” she adds with a devilish grin.

Her hands move along my length for a few seconds, never getting close to the hem of my trunks.

“So tell me, is this how you imagined while you masturbated to me, or was it my boobs?”

She looks at me but not a word leaves my mouth. My head feels enveloped in a vortex.

“Of course it was my boobs. It is always my boobs with boys” she declares.

Slowly, one of her hands makes its way down to my knee and back up, UNDER my swimsuit leg. My body tenses the instant I feel her soft hand touching my cock directly. Like an electricity shock through my body.

Holding me with the hand outside my trunks, she teases my cock with the other, slowly, from the base up. Then, she finally grabs my penis and gives me one full pump.

“Uhmmm…I thought it was just the pool’s water but there’s definitely something more here” she teases me.

My cock is throbbing in her hand. With every heartbeat a new throb and I’m sure she’s enjoying it. Enjoying teasing me.

Her hands resume their slow stimulation from both sides of the swimsuit. It feels incredible and I can feel a stream of precum making its way out of me.

“Don’t you want to see them?”

Suddenly I’m fully alert and I could stare a hole in the water that’s obstructing my view. She just laughs at my reaction.

Cécile uses her hold on my cock to keep steady while she climbs the submerged step on the edge of the pool raising her torso out of the water.

‘Omg! There they are! I can finally look all I want without needing to hide!’

Her hand lifts from my trunks and grabs the edge of her top.

“Ready, big boy?”

With that she pulls down on her top and her right breast drops free.

Perfect. Just perfect, pink, soft, full, smooth deliciousness. I am holding my breath waiting for her other breast to be freed but her hands have stopped moving. One on her other boob and one still holding my cock. I look up at her almost imploring with my eye.

“Only one tit out for you”

Something clicks in my brain and I incredulously feel my cock reaching full tension. Then a final powerful throb and it starts.

‘Noooo…I can’t believe it! This is not happening!’

I feel like I could die from embarrassment but there’s no stopping it now. My cock spasms with a long contraction. Then another, and another. And there it is. My cum spurting out of me, covering Cécile’s hand and the inside of my trunks.

‘Oh god, nooo!’

She’s not even moving her hand and my traitor of a cock keeps pumping out cum.

Finally, my orgasm ends and Cécile’s hand comes out from under my swimsuit, covered in cum.

“Wow. I was planning to make you pop fast…but this is…” She giggles

“You really must have been obsessing over my boobs, uh? You’ll have to do better than this later tho”

“La-later? You mean…”

“Yes. What else could it mean? Did you really think I would be satisfied with just this?! Now let me get out and show me how you use that mouth of yours” She gives me a wolfish grin.


A few hours later, after a good meal, the others are in their rooms. But you fell asleep in the living room sofa in front of the television.

I change channels for relaxing music, it wakes you up slightly.

You open your eyes, I'm here, slowly dancing with sensual movements, my purple satin chemise half opened revealing the fine lace of my lingerie.

"Wake up quick boy, it’s time for your second chance."


I slowly wake up. There’s music playing. I must have fallen asleep while watching tv. I roll over towards the edge and Cécile is there. It takes me a second to get her in focus. She’s standing between me and the tv.

Cécile has a chemise on. It’s basically transparent against the light coming from the screen behind her…
‘Oh my god! She’s not wearing any panties!’
My brain freezes on that thought and my penis starts to harden immediately.

“Uhg-” I clear my throat

“Hey Cécile. Ahhh…I must have fallen asleep. Wha-what are you doing?” I ask her while she approaches me.

“Exactly what I said. Or you don’t want a second chance?” She asks me

I’m definitely fully awake now. I sit up and she’s basically on top of me. Cécile slowly raises her leg and one of her feet, followed by a seemingly endless smooth leg, comes down between my legs.

“Oh! But how can you watch tv without a snack? Where are your popcorns?” She asks me teasingly.

“Don’t worry, I can fix that easily”

Suddenly, my view becomes purple. No, that’s not right. There’s a purple mist floating around me! As soon as I breath it in, I get goosebumps all over my skin and it feels like someone lit fires in the room. It hot! Now my cock feels like it’s going to rip apart from how swollen it is.

I shift my position to ease my penis in a better spot but even barely sliding against the inside of my underwear almost sends me over the edge.

‘Fuck! What’s happening?! This can’t be happening! Not again! I need to do something…’

“So? Do you want a written invitation?” Cécile taunts me.

I look up at her, slide my hands between her legs grabbing her ass. I pull her towards my head and she nods.

Oh the aroma coming from her pussy is intoxicating. I can’t think of anything else now. I hungrily start licking and grazing and kissing all around her inner thighs. Cécile's hand is stroking my head while I’m doing my best to please her. After a minute or so tho, her gentle caressing stops. She firmly grasps my hair and pushes my face on her pussy.

I need to use all my concentration not to cum in my pants right then and there. The aroma was hard enough to battle, now I have her juices on my tongue. It feels like my balls instantly increased to a tennis ball size. Pre-cum has been leaking out of my cock head since the beginning but now it’s almost non-stop.

I fumble to try and free my penis and give it a bit of respite from the constant friction against my underwear. If someone told me in which condition I was, I wouldn’t have believed them. My cock, as well as my underwear, is completely coated in pre-cum. Clear strings connect the inside of my black trunks to various points on my cock and hand.

I have to stop and look down, still incredulous after confirming what I knew I’d find there. Cécile’s hand however harshly brings me back to her nether lips.

I suck her lips, and lick her clit, changing patterns and speed, trying to get the best reaction from her body. I push my tongue inside her while rubbing her clit with my thumb. That seems to be a good combination.

After a few minutes of constant stimulation, during which I miraculously managed to not embarrass myself again, Cécile is getting close to orgasming herself. I steel myself for the final assault when, instead, she pushes my head away. Her juices glistening all over my mouth and face.

“Time to feed me, boy”

I’m totally confused but Cécile, in one smooth motion, grabs my pre-cum coated cock, lines it with her pussy and lowers herself, taking me inside her all the way to the base.

My brain stops working. There are just too many sensations happening all at once and they are all overwhelming.

What almost literally kills me tho, is Cecils’s pussy. She’s not moving a muscle but I can feel her swallowing me. Better than the best handjob, better than the best blowjob, hell, better than any other pussy I’ve ever felt in my life!

That’s too much. It’s just impossible. No one could resist this. I explode inside her. My cum shoots out of me, rope after rope, without stopping and without decreasing in volume. It’s like she’s sucking it out of me, siphoning it directly out of my balls. It is beyond pleasure.

When I see Cécile arch her back and moan out her orgasm, I pass out.

  • public/stories/penpals/shorties/villa/nemo.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/14 15:34
  • by Cécile Lightwave