
The divine orgy

The world of Arduenna is a strange world, a world of magic and supernatural, of lewdness and lust, of sex and spells, of luxure and sexual fantasy.

It is a world where the Goddess Sexulia threatens to enslave all life forms for her own sexual pleasure.

Fortunately, the human empress Lustia keep the Goddess calm with her great sex magic powers.

You are Enzo, a male fury, a race of creatures that was created by the Goddess Sexulia to be her slaves. You are a servant of the Queen of the human empire, the great empress Lustia who has enslaved you and forced you to serve her. You are waiting in the throne room of the empress. The room is large and decorated with golden statues. The floor, the walls and the ceiling are completely covered with them.

Fully naked, your big cock hangs between your legs. You stay here, lying back on the empress's couch. You wait for the empress to enter the room. You know she will enter it soon, as she enters it every day at this time. She likes to humiliate you in the most bestial way.

You hear footsteps.

The emotional anticipation quickly give you an very hard erection.

The empress enters the room, fully naked. She wears a necklace with a big pink jewel.

Empress: "Ah, you are here, waiting for me as usual."

Her big breasts bounce as she walks towards you.

You look at them almost hypnotized. Unable to answer her.

Empress: "I have heard about your abilities with women, how good you are in bed."

You continue to stare at her breasts.

She smiles, sits down next to you and softly touches your hand.

Instantly your cock become even harder.

Empress: "Would you like to touch my breasts?"

You keep staring at the empress's breasts. You want to touch them, play with them and suck on her nipples.

But you can't do more than begging her with your eyes. Your tongue hangs out of your mouth. Saliva drips on the floor.

Empress: "Ah, you want to touch them, but you can't even ask me for permission."

She smiles at you, amused about your situation.

You continue to beg in silence, while she continues to touch your hand. She uses her other hand to touch her breasts, playing with her nipples.

You feel your cock now as hard as steel. The blood pressure is so high that it almost hurts. The tip of your cock is pulsating and a thick precum leaks along your shaft.

She notices your lustful glances at her hand, grabs it with the other one and puts them in your mouth.

You touch them with your tongue and suck on her fingers.

Empress: "Hmm, you like that, don't you? Would you like me to grab your hands and put them in my bosom?"

Your eyes are still begging her for this. You feel embarrassed about this and ashamed of yourself. But you don't care, the lust is just too strong.

Empress: "What about my asshole and my vagina?"

Suddenly you loose control.

You grab the Empress by her waist then empale her on your huge cock. She is so wet that your entire cock goes inside her vagina in one move. She screams in pain as you thrust in and out of her. Her breasts bounce up and down as you fuck her as hard as you can.

Her vagina feels weird to you.

It's like some kind of magic was sucking your glans deeper at each thrust.

After some minutes of hard fucking you feel like you are about to come.

Empress: "Come on, come inside me! I need your seed! I am fertile right now!"

You obey the empress's wishes.

It is like a fire hose releasing your pent up lust over the course of several days and sprays her insides white.

Your cock continues to squirt for several minutes.

You feel exhausted and you fall backwards.

Empress: "That was amazing, I have never had sex that good… you come inside me once a month."

You look at her in disbelief.

Empress: "Yes, once a month you will fuck me like that. Thanks to your seed I will get pregnant and give birth to a strong son for the empire."

You stand up, feeling your softening cock.

Empress: "But I will never let you leave this palace again. You are my personal fuck toy to use as I please."

You look at the empress in shock and horror.

But your cock is already getting hard again…"

The empress grabs your hand and grins.

Empress: "Come on, let's go to the bedroom."

You follow her happily, maybe being the Empress' fuck toy isn't so bad. At least you get to fuck her all month long.

Then you are hurry to have your cock being in her magical pussy again.

You come on her belly.

Empress: "Not inside, one of your smaller spurts in my mouth please."

You quickly start to jerk off again.

Empress: "Now come for me my sexy fuck toy."

You manage to blow only a small amount off cum in her mouth then struggle to hold back the main part. Hopping she will let you release it soon.

Empress: "Mmmm tasty, I will drain all your cum from you every month."

You want to say something, but the empress has other plans.

She has gotten up and she turns to you.

You still have your hard throbbing cock in your hand. Struggling with all your strengths to avoid blowing the rest of your huge load before she order you to.

Empress: "Now suck on my nipples."

You obey her wishes and start to lick and suck on her left nipple. She tastes different than expected.

A bliss of pleasure runs through you, it becomes very hard to hold your cum in.

You manage to maintain a somewhat normal behavior at least for the first minute.

Empress: "Oh yes, that feels so good. You are a natural at this, I can tell you will become an expert."

You start to suck on her right nipple and your cock starts to jump in your hand. The pressure is becoming too much. With all your willpower you try to jerk off as slowly as possible, but the immense sexual pleasure makes it very hard.

Your eye are begging for authorization to release.

Empress: "Not yet."

You are literally on the edge, you don't think your cock can take this intensive teasing for much longer. At least not without exploding.

Empress: "Now my spawn, you can come!"

You release your focus then an insane amount of cum blows in the airs. Even for a fury like you it's a lot. The Empress is covered by your semen from the head to the feet.

You: "Sorry my Empress, I tried to hold back as long as possible."

Empress: "It's fine, you are still learning and it was pretty funny to see you struggling not to release."

She said then she starts to lick all the cum on her massive boobs.

Empress: "Mhhh so tasty, you might become my new favorite. Of course we will need to test this again in a few month to be sure."

You are about to say something else but she puts her index finger against your mouth.

She is so hot that you stay hard as rock even after having released liters of cum.

Empress: "Now, I still need to introduce you to the others and I think you should clean yourself before going on."

You start to say something but she interrupts you.

Empress: "Your still hard? Hmm looks like you need some more release then."

She then gets on her fours right in front of you.

Empress: "Come on, fill that pussy with your seed."

You: "But I might hurt you…"

Empress: "I told you that you won't, besides I am capable of taking much more than that. Now stop stalling and fuck me… Or are you not man enough?"

You look at the Empress' pussy which is waiting in front of you, you realize that even if her vaginal entrance is very tight, it looks like it was moving by itself to suck you approaching glans. Even her pussy lips are moving toward you like mouth lips to swallow you in.

You can't hold back and you push yourself in.

An intense feeling of tightness wraps itself around your glans, you see that your cock opens the way for itself as it goes deeper in her pussy one inched at a time.

Her strong pussy is pulling you deeper. In no time, your huge cock is swallowed and her lips start to kiss your big balls.

She is moaning louder and louder as you are reaching unexplored levels of intimacy.

You: "I have the weird impression that your pussy is trying to suck me in completely."

Empress: "Haha I know right?"

You: "It's so tight around my glans and opening valleys for my cock, it's driving me crazy…"

Empress: "Just focus on the pleasure of our block head fornication."

You: "I can't help but feeling that your walls are moving toward me…"

Empress: "They are…"

You: "Wha… They are?"

Empress: "Yes, they are. Thanks to my magical powers, I can do anything I want. I love to mix sex and magic."

You: "Ok but please be gentle with me, I am a little pain adverse…"

The empress laughs and grabs your ass with both hands, pulling you even deeper inside her.

Empress: "I will do whatever I want, remember? Now you have to do the same, cum inside me so you might save your life… But first you have to make me cum."

As she said that, she cross her calves behind your butt and press you against her so much that your balls enter in her vagina.

You: "This is too much…"

Empress: "I know, right?"

Then she starts to roll her hips and moves like an experienced courtesan.

Her magical vagina is massaging your whole genital intensively. Each part is constricted at the perfect pressure to maximize pleasure without hurting. And the sweetest part is, she can adjust everything at will.

You: "Oh, by the Gods, this is good."

Empress: "I know right? I programmed my slit to behave like this."

You feel you're about to explode but you know that you have to give her an orgasm first. So you put your two thumbs at each sides of her clit and starts to massage it.

Empress: "Oh fuck… Yes, I am almost there… It's coming… I feel it…"

Empress starts to shake really hard and you are also cumming a lot inside her.

Her magical pussy having orgasmic spasms is amazing, it's so intense that it makes you cum at each of her contractions.

You: "Oh fuck, I am cumming! I can't stop it!"

Empress: "Me too, it's so good!"

Even if you are cumming a lot, your balls are magical too so you can keep going, her powerful orgasm is not stopping either.

She holds your cock really hard and makes it explode again and again ejaculating an full load each time.

Empress: "Yes! Again! Do it again! Your seed is so magical… It's never ending… I am going to seize just by taking your cum!"

You: "I can't believe that… I feel like dying…"

Empress: "You can't die now, keep doing it! My pleasure will stop your pain!"

The feeling of her magical pussy sucking your sperm dry is just too good to describe. You can't believe you can enjoy something like this.

Out of nowhere, her pussy spasms really hard and her whole body starts to shake.

Empress: "I can't… I am…" *shaking* "…cumming…"

Your balls are still producing cum for her. All you blow in her is absorbed by her walls, not a single drop escape out.

Empress: "I am…!" *clenching sound* "…so hot… Best feeling ever…"

You: "I may not be able to move anymore…"

Empress: "Don't worry, I can't move anymore too, just keep shooting."

You: "Your sayings are orders my Empress."

Then you stay in her pussy not even need to move, her inside is a true cum extractor.

Your body is like a used rag right now. She really drains you to the point that you don't even have the strength to stand up.

Her: "It's over for now, you gave me everything I needed…"

You: "You took it by yourself."

Her: "I know, but I enjoyed fucking you because you are a marvelous stud. You drained all of your strength to give me an huge orgasm and still have everything inside to produce another large load."

You: "(Gasp!) I love you."

Her: "I also love you. No human can match this feeling, unless it's a powerful sorcerer."

You: "Powerful isn't enough to describe you as you deserve."

Her: "Nah, you have also a lot of potential. It's just that I enjoyed your seed before speaking with you. By the way, you will remember everything that happened here today."

You: "Yes, my empress."

Her: "By the way, you can call me Lustia, at least when we are in private. I want us to be friends as well as lovers."

You: "I can't ask for more than that from you."

Her: "You should head back to your room, try to rest. You are looking a little tired."

You: "Is it because of your powers?"

Her: "No questions please, I need to keep a bit of mystery about me."

You: "Sorry for asking, see you again tomorrow?"

Her: "I'll be waiting for you tomorrow here. Same time, same place. I want you to drain all the liquids inside my body."

You: "That will be an honor."

She kisses you and puts your armor back to you.

You put your clothing on your body and head back to the human region, and once again you passed out on your bed. You are totally wasted for the entire day after a sexercise session with a goddess.

The night was good. You eat a nice breakfast, take a hot shower then go to the Castle waiting room like yesterday. Time to fuck the empress.

You are in pain, but of course you can't show it or she will punish you for eternity… Or at least until you die. What a scary thought.

You focus on your own dick as always and wait for her.

Time passes by and finally, the empress arrives.

Her: "I'm glad you are here."

You: "I'm glad too."

Her: "You are now at the peak of your strength. Let's head to my bedroom everyone is gone for the day It's an other opportunity for us."

You head to her bedroom as she promised. You cannot believe it, you are going to have sex with her again.

You get excited pretty fast as you normally do in every sexual situation.

You lay down her bed and as you wait for her, she starts undressing herself. It's working, your dick is getting harder and you are eager to start doing your job.

Her: "I was thinking about the situation we are in right now."

You: "Yes?"

Her: "I can keep you here and have sex with you whenever I want as you cannot refuse me."

You: "That's correct, I'm just your fuck toy."

Her: "The only thing is…"

You: "What is it?"

Her: "I'm addicted to your dick."

You: "…"

Her: "I want you to stay here forever and have sex with me. I don't care about anything else, just pleasure."

You: "That's ok for me no trouble."

Her: "One issue, I'm still the empress and I need to give a good example to my subjects. As you can imagine, my staying inside having wild sex with a fury isn't the best thing to show."

You: "You're the Empress Lustia. Your life place is the Castle of Lust. You command to the world lustiest empire. Being addicted to sex is totally normal for our culture."

Her: "Still, it wouldn't be a good example. I want you to live here but I don't want my people to think I'm having sex with a fury bastard."

You: "Hey I'm not a bastard! I'm a noble fury. Nephew of the beasts' king!"

Her: "Hmm, I see. Still, if you stay here, we would need to do something with your appearance."

You: "My appearance?"

She snaps her finger then you now look like an human. A human with massive muscle and huge cock but an human.

You: "Oh, if it's what you want, I'm ok."

Her: "Let's fuck!"

She stands naked over you.

Her: "Are you ready?"

You: "I'm always ready for you!"

The empress sits on top of your dick and starts moving her hips, sliding your dick inside her pussy.

Her: "So? How is it?"

You: "It's good."

Her: "Only 'good' Ok so if I do this…"

Then she snaps her fingers.

Her: "How is it now?"

You: "Hmmm tastes so good!"

The empress snaps her fingers again.

Her: "How is it now? Tell me honestly."

You: "I feel like my cock is 20inches long. I feel so much of your vagina's walls rubbing against."

Her: "Not only a feeling."

She snaps again and immediately your dick begins to grow slightly.

Her: "How is it now?"

You: "That's incredible! I'm turned on like never before!"

Then she snaps again.

Her: "Tell me honestly, how is it now?"

You: "My dick is strong enough to smash rocks apart."

She moves up enough to let you see your now giant cock.

Then she releases it from her pussy and sit between your thighs and grab your giant cock between her massive boobs.

You: "Oh my God that feels so good. Look at the size of my dick now!"

Her: "Don't worry, I'm here to take care of your monster cock."

She begins to sloooowly move her chest back and forward.

Once you start to leak precum she licks it on your glans. Then she moves her head to your cock's tip and open her mouth wide enough to swallow your glans.

Your cock starts to get even bigger.

Her: "One more inch and I'll be able to deepthroat you"

Then she begins to rub your cock's belly.

You start feeling weird, then you feel like your balls begin to tingle. It feels good.

Her: "I want you to cum only in my mouth this time. I want your balls to give me all the cum they can."

You: "Oh God!"

She begins to move her head faster and faster.

Your glans is hot as fire, she deep-throat you at each move. It looks like she could swallow you entirely but choose to focus on your most sensitive part to let new no chance to hold back. You feel like you can't even try to resist. The temptation is too much.

Her: "You want to cum, don't you?"

You: "Oh God! I can't resist!"

She stops and release your cock from her mouth.

Her: "Just say when."

You: "Now!"

She immediately swallow your entire dick.

You are in heaven. You feel like you are in heaven. You never felt such pleasure before.

Your 20 inches cock was swallowed in one move like a marshmallow. Her throat is pumping you in. Every move she makes drives you mad.

It doesn't take long before you start to feel that wonderful feeling underneath your balls. It begins to build up and up until it reaches its limit.

You: "I'm cumming!"

You shoot all what was inside and it still isn't over. It feels like your balls have infinite power.

You continuously discharge semen directly in her stomach. It is without a doubt the best feeling you have ever had.

Then you start feeling something even greater than before. You see an image of a woman in your mind. You don't know who she is but she looks delighted to see you.

The woman says to you: "I'm so happy to see you, my dear Enzo. I've been waiting a long time for this moment."

Then she add: "I'm the Goddess Sexulia. The Empress is making you cum so much that your mind is open for me. Now I will have sex with you in your mind while she continues to drink your semen in the real world."

Then she begin to take off her clothes.

Her: "I'm naked. Look at my nude body and see what you're missing out."

You look at the woman's mind to see her naked body and you feel even greater joy.

Goddess: "Good boy… Now, let me sit on your face so you can eat my cunt. I feel like having some fun too."

You: "Sure!"

You start to lick the Goddess cunt. Her taste give you an orgasm as soon as you tongue touch her skin.

Then the goddess uses her hand to fuck you in the mental realm.

Goddess: "Mmm, I can't wait to have you inside me, Enzo. You feel so good… mmmm.."

She starts to ride you in reverse cowgirl. Her inside is amazing, each move she does give you an intense orgasm. In addition to what you're already fealing from the Empress in the real world. Your balls contract and your cum squirts directly into the goddess' vagina.

She keeps pushing you to the brink and takes more of you in. You're now half your size, half inside her.

She: "You feel so good, don't you?"

You: "I'm going to…"

She stops you mid-sentence, looks into your eyes and smiles.

Her: "I know. You're going to cum again in me. Mmm… I want to feel more of your cum inside me."

She pushes you one last time as you start to cum once again inside her. She takes most of you inside her, so you have the greatest orgasm of your life, feeling all of your essence being pumped into the being that is now your goddess.

She: "Mmm… If I wasn't a goddess I might have passed out from this. Ah, so good! I can feel all of it inside me. Come, my dear servant, feast your eyes on my body fucking you."

You see the goddess in your mind fucking you slowly in cowgirl position and you can't wait to start your journey.

You: "Oh yeah…. Feels so good…."

Then, she starts to speed up and ride you hard.

At the same time, in the real world, the Empress grabs your balls and infuse them with her magic to make them producing even more cum.

You feel that it affects you in the mind world too.

You start to scream as if you were dying, but the Goddess smiles and keep pounding herself into your hard dick, that is getting even harder than ever.

You: "Oh, goddess! This feeling is so… oh… yeah…."

Goddess: "So divine? Yes it is I'm the Goddess of sex and I'm fucking your mind while the human Empress is infusing you balls with her magic."

Your cock is now a mind monster that the goddess can barely control.

You: "Oh! I… can't… contain myself. I am… I'm…. breaking…."

Goddess: "Cum for me, my sweet Enzo!"

At her words you blow again inside the Goddess. She happily receives your offering and savor every drop of it. She then starts to pant heavily and kisses you wildy.

Goddess: "Thanks for this lovely session. See you soon on the other side!"

You: "Wait, what other side are you talking about?" Then nothing, the Goddess disappears.

You open you eyes and see the Empress releasing your 20 inches cock from her mouth.

You: "What's going on?"

Empress: "I'm thanking you for your greatest gift to me. I told you that was a mind fuck. Here is one too"

Then the Goddess enter the room. She is as hot in the real world as she was in your mind.

She speaks as she is entering the room: "Oh my! What a lovely cock! And huge! I can't wait for him to fuck me!"

You: "It's your cock, goddess, you love it."

Goddess: "It's the Empress's cock. But I know a way for you to fuck both of us at the same time."

At her words, the goddess and the empress surround you and one by one start kissing you wildly.

Your dick is then grabbed by the empress. She lifts it up and starts to slide down your staff. Meanwhile, the Goddess makes few steps backwards.

The Empress Lustia pushs you back on the bed then starts to ride you. As she continues to slide herself up and down your cock the Goddess Sexulia starts touching herself and begins moaning.

Meanwhile you are being pleasure in many ways and you see the Goddess growing behind Lustia.

Goddess: "Wait! I got your dick inside me right now, in fact I'm growing down there right now. Let me sit on that cock of yours!"

Then the now giant Goddess move down her hips on the Empress who is still riding you. The goddess's pussy swallows the Empress. Your now inside the Empress's magical vagina who is inside the Goddess divine one.

Goddess: "That's it! that's it! That is magnificent! This is the best sex I ever had in centuries!"

You: "hmmm this is simply amazing! Your magic inside me and your cock inside the empress."

The empress starts to scream in pleasure and her pussy tightens itself around your shaft.

You using the Empress of lust as living cock sleeve to have sex with the Goddess of sex. The experience is unique. You reach a magical orgasm and feel the effects of the empress's magic.

You feel the emress's magic caressing your skin. You can feel it in your whole body and even in you mind. The world starts glowing in a weird rainbow color and your bodies start becoming absorbed by the Goddess.

You find yourself floating in an ocean of color. You feel like thousands of people are having orgasms all around you.

You start understanding the entire world. You see everything and everyone like a giant hologram.

You see the whole Arduenna and millions of Arduennians having sex everywhere. Your mind is melting into the Goddess's magic flow and you become part of the eternal divine orgy.

Goddess: "You are now part of me! I shall keep you orgasming forever and ever!"

  • public/stories/ai_dungeon/the_divine_orgy.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/12 18:38
  • by Cécile Lightwave