
2021 Orgasms counter I have to host picture somewhere because reddit comment don't accept them.

So I will post here my monthly graph for this challenge.

Two days at 0 at the end because of a chastity bet.

The sun is back, my sexual hungriness too. But I was sick for 4 days.

Back to work on site. I missed my coworkers a lot (and they seem to have missed me too)

Summer, holidays and club reopening : daily average still increasing.

Two weeks countryside in BF's family. We meet new neighbors throuple (2 boys / 1 girl)

Less sun, Fall starts and libido starts to fall too.

Cold times, less sex.

Winter is coming, orgasms not.

Finally a full year of orgasms. No big party for season this year :(

  • public/misc/redditorgasmcounter.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/01 20:23
  • by Cécile Lightwave