Cécile Lightwave had recently received magical powers from her roommate and best fuck friend. She was now one of the few Spermwitch existing in the world.
After fucking quite regularly, she trained herself to hide her glowing eyes when she absorbs her partner's cum; now she wanted to discover more about her powers.
Let's see how she discovered just how special she was, even for a Spermwitch…
She was spending time in a bar, which was well known to be a much loved place for kinky couples. Not long after being seated at a table, she was starting to feel that the guy in the room corner was close to cumming. A quick look at the smile of the girl who was beside him was enough to know why.
She focused on this feeling, looking at her hand's palm and imagining that it was her who was stroking him. She swiftly felt his cock's heat on her skin, then rubbing him there.
Suddenly, she was disturbed by the bartender asking her, “What do you wish to drink, miss?”
Surprised, she answered, “His cum!” (In french: “Son sperme”) before correcting herself confused “Sauterne, please.” (A french white wine)
“Yes, madame” he answered, pretending not to have heard her mistake.
Then she looks again at her hand, which felt wet. She was surprised to see sticky strings of cum between her fingers. Disconcerted, she quickly closed her hand, hoping no one had seen it.
At this time, she started to feel a rush of heat in her veins, coming from her hand to her arms before quickly filling her entire body. She had just enough time to close her eyes before they started to glow.
When she opened them again, she looked at the guy. He seemed incredibly relaxed and the girl was looking in disbelief at her hand which was clean.
“What the fuck!” she shouted, loud enough to be heard by the couple. Then the bartender came with her order.
“Your Sauterne, miss,” he said. Cecile used her phone to pay, before texting Lisa to tell her what had just happened.
Her reply was quick, Lisa instantly came out of the toilets.
“Wait a sec! How long have you been here?” asked Cécile.
-“I just arrived. You know, magic stuff.”
-“What? You're telling me that we're able to teleport?”
-“I'm able. You certainly will be too, and maybe it will be sooner than you believe.”
-“If you say so. And about what happened with that guy's cum?”
-“To be honest, it took me many years to be able to do this. Cécile, my dear, it seems that you're very special, even for one of us.”
-“Ok, if it's just that. I'm feeling proud of it. But can you be sure that I'm not dangerous. I mean, what if I had teleported his blood instead of his cum? Because I was also thinking about it, pulsing in his veins.”
-“I see. Let's go back home, you have to do some tests far from peoples' eyes”.
Cécile drank her wine in one go, then they came back home together.
Some minutes later.
“Time to try some hard things, but I totally trust you Cécile. And you know that I don’t risk anything,” said Lisa. -”I know. Even if I hurt you, no matter the severity of your injuries, you will regenerate. Tell me, what do you want me to do?”
-”Sit on the sofa, I'll stay here. Now simply imagine that you’re holding my hand.”
-”I can already feel your skin on mine. It’s like your hand is actually on mine.”
-”Perfect, now close your eyes and focus, tell me what you feel.”
-”I feel your fingers moving a little. Like they are physically in my hand.”
-”Because they are. Open your eyes.”
-”Yeeek!” yelled Cécile, throwing Lisa’s hand in the air. “What?”
Lisa caught her flying hand before showing it the her friend. “Look, I’m fine.” Lisa’s wrist was cut just before the hand, but there was no blood, just a purple glow instead. The very same thing was on the other hand's side. Cécile looked at her with incredulity. Then she grabbed her friend's hand, asking, “you mean that this light glow is like a kind of portal? For you it’s like all is normal, you don’t feel anything bad?”
-”Exactly. I don’t had time to explain to you, but our powers are totally safe. You can’t hurt someone without cleary willing it.”
-”Got it! So that means that if I do this?” Cécile asked as she started to lick Lisa’s fingers one by one.
-”I feel it the same way as if there was no magic here”.
-”Interesting,” she said while putting her friend's severed hand into her panties.
-”I know that you will imagine many ways to use this skill, and I already love this one,” said Lisa. Then she focused on masturbating her friend.
-”I have some ideas, yes. I’m pretty sure that it works in both ways.”
Lisa felt something strange inside her vagina, something soft and moving. Looking at her friend’s smile, she saw her opening her lips. There was a purple light glowing in place of her tongue.
-“You’re amazing Cécile! I knew I wouldn't regret that gift I gave to you.”
The two girls spent the entire night playing this game, as no one wanted to be the last to have an orgasm.
End of part 2
Number of times I’ve stopped to masturbate : 3
Music listened during writing :