A slime engulfing people

Trigger warning

This one is safe. No dead, no pain.

The world of Arduenna is a strange world, a world of magic and supernatural, of lewdness and lust, of sex and spells, of luxure and sexual fantasy. It is a world where the Goddess Sexulia threatens to enslave all life forms for her own pleasure and desire.

You are Cécile, a slime living in Luscity in the human empire. You are a member of one of the many slime brothels in the city. You live in a lavish estate and are well taken care of by your human servants. You are a very expensive slime and are one of the most loved and desired slimes in the city. You are also the only one in the city who is a slime hybrid, able to take on a human form. Your basic human form is that of a young adult girl, quite curvy and busty, with shot multicolore hair and deep purple eyes. But as slime you can morph it at your will.

Today is what you call a free for all day. You open the doors of your house to anyone who wish to have sex with you. This normally results in you being surrounded and covered by different people and creatures directly after wake up. You spend several hours pleasuring your guests and having fun, drinking and eating.

At around noon, you form yourself a giant tongue and catch one of your guests with. "Mmmmh delicious!" you say as you swallow him. His body floats some time inside your slimy mass, overwhelmed by sexual pleasure, he constantly blow sperm which you assimilate as nutriments. After he completely emptied his balls, you gently expel him from your body mass. You go on like that for a while, using your different shapes to interact and play with your guests. Then, as usual, hunger strikes and you decide it is time for the main course. "Alright everyone!" you shout at everyone. "It is lunchtime!" Everyone looks like they are ready to pounce on you and tear you apart, but this is how it normally works every time. You are the main dish. Everyone seems to rush at you at once, human and non-human alike. You simply melt your body and morph it to a size where everyone inside you. Funny how you can do that, no one seems to complain though. Everyone know that you are a gentle Slime and that their are always in safety with you. They can even breath inside you.

You suck up everyone inside your mass, squeezing them with dozens of tentacle like parts of your body. Others simply allow themselves to be drown in your slimy layer.

One of your favorite is to morph yourself into the shape of a girl they all desire and let them enjoy themselves having a huge orgy inside you. But today is a free-for-all day, so it is everyone for himself.

You watch as they all struggle to find their favorite orifices inside you. You use your tentacles, mouths, penises, pussies, ass and even chaotic shapes inside yourself to stimulate them all. This is one of the main reason why you love your job. You feel everyone inside you coming, several multiple times. You enjoy their sensations as you feed on them.

Finally, everyone drops out of pleasure and fatigue. Everyone is exhausted after such a meal, they all "sleep" inside you for hours. You keep them warm and comfortable inside you while digesting the sexual fluids they all gave you.

Finally, everyone comes out of your body. "So, how was it?" you ask while giving them a sexy smile. "It was lovely as usual!" they all say in unison. You laugh and watch them go back to their homes or wherever they go.

You feel that something have changed in you. After so much sexual fluid assimilated, you have crossed the legendary threshold of sexual assimilation. You can now feed flesh beings with your slime to make them produce more sexual fluids with increasing energy efficiency.

"Now, I can take on the world!" you laugh. You move to your room and let your body rest for a while. You are still hungry for more sexual fluids though so you diffuse a few pheromones to attract customers.

You do not have to wait long for three miners to enter inside your chamber and introduce themselves. "Hello beautiful, I am Joseph" says a man with a mustache. "Hi, I'm Charles" says a skinny man. "I'm Hank, nice to meet you" says the last one while caressing your tentacles. You already know what they want from the way they speak and look at you. But it does not matter now, you can provide them with an experience they will never forget.

You know exactly what men like Hank like so you caress his hands while making your tentacles play with his mouth and nipples. "Oh Joseph, I think I'm in love" Hank moans while you pleasure him.

Meanwhile, your mouth sucks on Charles cock while one of your tentacles moves towards his anus. You prepare him with your tentacle while continuing to pleasure him with your mouth. Soon you feel his anus open up and your tentacle enters. He moans in ecstasy as you penetrate him. You can feel his semen boiling inside him with sweat being released from his body. You think it's wasting to play only with Hank so you wrap yourself around him and plunge him in your inside while letting your mouth engulf Charles cock.

Charles is engulfed in pure bliss while Hank is overwhelmed by being inside a superior being like you. You enjoy both pleasures at the same time and feel more sperm being released inside you by both men.

While your mouth is busy with Charles, you hear Hank moans of pleasure as he ejaculates the rest of his semen inside you. Joseph was looking the scene, horny but to shy to do anything.

"Come on! get on her and enjoy her" you hear Hank command. Joseph timidly goes between your legs and inside you while Hank wait his turn. "I love it inside her" he says completely drunk by your pheromones.

"Eat a bite of my slime, Hank you will like the taste and the effect, I promise you."You said."

Hank open his mouth and swallow a sip of your slimy jelly. While you engulf Joseph inside you by merging your thighs around him. "Mmmm…. that's so good" Hank moans while he feels his balls being full again.

You plunge Joseph deeper inside you then you get ready to swallow Charles that you suck gently from the start. You feel the two males already in you ejaculating more semen inside you so you keep them to have a regular supply of sperm. Your mouth engulfs Charles member and balls while your tentacles surround his entire body. As he is trembling in your embrace, you open your mouth wide enough swallow his whole body in one gulp enveloping him in a wet, warm and pleasant embrace. You now have the three male floating and cumming inside you. You merge the parts of your body which are still in human shapes, becoming an huge translucide mass of purple slime. Then you create chaotic swirls and streams inside yourself to stimulate Hank, Joseph and Charles genitals. Making them blowing all the cum they can in you.

After a couple of minutes, all of their semen is in you but you continue to tease the three males with your goo mass, playing with them and make them feel good.

Then your nourish them with a small amount of your slime. They immediately build new loads of fresh cum. As expected you receive very more power from them that it costs to you to refill them.

They keep on shooting inside you while you play with them like this for hours.

The night is long and filled with pleasure for you, leaving the three humans completely exhausted while you feel totally energized. At dawn, you're still very much awake and ready to take three more males inside you.

Time for phase 2 of your plan. You telepathically call three nearby workers, they came to your room asking each other if one of them know why you called them. As soon as they enter the room, you throw a goo tentacle toward each of them. Your tentacles stop in front of them then take half-mouth half-pussy shapes which let no doubt about how lewd your mind actually is. As the three men stare at your tentacles, they can't believe what is happening but as soon as the other two grab their dicks and start masturbating them vigorously, the one in the middle immediately give up any resistance and plunge himself is cock in your sucking tentacle.

The other two human start to jerk off while watching one of their friends fucking a lewd slimy tentacle. You agitate you two other tentacles in front of the two other humans to invite them to put their cocks in too. They might have some moral issues but the reflex of putting their dicks in a warm and wet place is just to strong to refuse such an offer.

The two tentacles have two cocks in their pussies within a minute. You're happy to see that the reflex to fuck is stronger in these men than the reflex of not wanting to be involved in something weird.

You now have the three cocks inserted in each one of your three tentacles, sucking them intensively. The previous three men still floating inside you body mass, continuously cumming. The whole scene is bizarre and perverted but that's what makes it so exciting for you.

While you keep on playing with the three men like this, your tentacles start secreting more and more slime. The excess of slime make the floor slippery as a lubricant is produced within your body. The three new men fall on the ground as they lose their footing and slide toward your tentacles as if they were drawn to them. You go from having one, two and three dicks in your tentacles to having a whole body in each of your tentacles. Bringing them to your main mass. You now have six human males floating inside you, cumming and empowering you constantly as you kept them conscious, alive and under sexual extasy.

You start to feel your body slowly changing as your own orgasm is nearing. You have your own cocks out and start masturbating furiously as you want to reach your orgasm together with the six males inside you. You start grunting and moaning, feeling the pleasure absorbing you completely. You let out a great noise as your ecstasy take over entirely. A fusion of multiple human orgasms and one slime orgasm. Then you slowly expel all the guy from your body, recover your feminine human form then ask them to let you alone. You have to rest to stabilize all the new power you got today.

You spend all day sleeping, the orgasm was great but it had also tired you a lot. You wake up the next day and look at yourself, you body is still the same. But you feel somehow different, more powerful. You increased in level and you got a lot of skills!

You wake up the next day and decide to take your time. You might as well enjoy your new abilities. You train all your powers a lot. You play with volunteer human s while training yourself to change from a slime form to your human form and back within seconds. You are not wasting a single Moment of the day.

You realize how much you like your condition. You stay mostly in your slime form, finding it more pleasurable and fun. You are sure that with this new power, you will be able to give orgasms to multitude of lifeform at once. You feel like the Goddess of sex and lust incarnate. You think about all the other creatures like you, and wonder what is the wish of a slime. Are you all enjoying your new life, are you all even intelligent? Days turns into Weeks and weeks turn into months and you improve your abilities a lot. You sometimes leave your mansion with the excuse to go into the forest to hunt and you spend days there usualy finding some new plant that juices your diet. You even meet another slime, apparently as intelligent as you are and you have long conversations with her. With her you don't need to use your human voice, you comunicate through your mind. Apparently she laves this new world just like you are and wants nothing more that to live here and give pleasure and happiness to other life forms.

You and Cassandra spend a few more months living in the forest when you realize that there are other slimes out there with the same idea of combining. You reach a count of six and you all decide to meet each other in a clearing in the forest.

You spend this day mating and enjoying each others company. You wonder if this is what the other slimes doing, creating a large puddle of multiple organim masses pulsating with joy.

You ask others if they already have tasted human sexual fluids. All of them have, some even say they prefered it over their own kind. You find this fascinating and you wonder if this effect is magical or natural. Days turns into Weeks and weeks turn into months and you continue your life with your new friends.

Then one day you decide to telepathically call one of your human sex friend to introduce him to your slime group. You do this quite a few times and soon your friend begin to show up with friends of their own and before you know it you got your own entourage of humans which you don't mind since it just mean more humans for you to taste.

With so many humans and slime at the same place, you propose to everyone a giant interspecies orgy. You warn your slime friends that you guarantee the safety of all humans so making them suffering pain is forbidden.

The six of you adjourn to the outskirts of the forest where humans and slimes lay down side by side with each other touching each other sensually. "Alright everyone, let's have some fun!" you say excitedly Your human friends become excited as they start to touch each one another and slimes do the same. While your own arousal level rises, you decide to enter the fun.

You quickly expand your body so much that you engulf all the humans and all the other slimes in you.

You feel both the pleasure of having your surface caressed and the pleasant feeling of dozens of gullets inside you digesting the sexual fluids from the other humans and slimes. everyone starts moaning in unison.

The others slimes swim in you, swallowing then expelling the floating humans. It's a true orgy inside you.

You begin to moan out loud, not even requiring the mating ritual to stimulate you, as you feel all the pleasure coming from the others. You wait until everyone inside you has finished and begin to retract yourself back to your smaller size.

You expel everyone onto the ground and reform back to normal size. "So how was it?" you ask. "It was actually pretty fun! I liked engulfing people in my slime, I can see why you like transforming so much" Meliza says laughing.

"Yeah, I felt really good. Thanks, Céci" says Elizabeth. You nod your head happily at their approval of your gift.

Then you ask the humans: "And for you, how it was?"

Your human friends, covered in slime but otherwise unhurt, laugh and look into each other's eyes a bit. "It was pretty much the best feeling I've ever felt" says one man.

"Yep, yeah" says another, "I think I'd like to do that again some time".

You laugh and say: "Sure, anytime". Then you all go home.