A slime collecting balls

Trigger warning

In this story, several humans are killed! (Lethal sex)

The world of Arduenna is a strange world, a world of magic and the supernatural. This world of Arduenna is a world of lewdness and lust, of sex and spells . It is a world of luxure and sexual fantasy. It is a world where the cumceress threatens to consume the world in pleasure and desire.

You are Lisa, a slime in the world beach of Arduenna. You wake up in a tourist trap, and you realize you are being held captive by a group of humans. You are forced to pleasure them and hope you can escape soon.

You wake up in a cage, a slimy mess of tentacles and breasts. One of your tentacles reaches out to the bars, you sense people outside.

You drips out of your cage then morph in a gorgeous woman shape.

You wait until the humans get close, then you slip out of your cage, morph into a gorgeous woman and…

You say "Hi guys! Wanna fuck me?"

You yelp, but you quickly morph into a friendly human shape. The humans wander closer, chattering in a language you don't recognize.

You say "Don't be shy. That will be pure pleasure."

The humans chatter excitedly. They seem to have trouble deciding who gets to enjoy your gift, and they seem to be even more attracted to the fact that you can morph into a human.

You increase your boobs size and curves and say: "You both can enjoy me together at the same time."

The humans get even more aroused as they notice your increased curves and the size of your breasts. The two men stare at each other, and begin to remove their clothes.

You say "Perfect!" You say before licking you lips."

The human men walk closer to you and get naked, their large flaccid penises hanging down.

You lick your lips in anticipation and morph your mouth into a small orifice. The two men stare at the orifice in confusion and alarm.

"What the hell are you?" one of the men asks.

"I'm a slime girl. I can pleasure you both at the same time." You explain.


You laugh and one of the men grabs your head. He pushes you towards his erect member, and you open your mouth and engulf his soft member. You begin to gently suck on it as you hear the man begin to moan in pleasure.

"Oh god…" he says as he pushes you further onto his prick.

You laugh and turn to the other man. You move towards him and the man quickly grabs your shoulders and pushes you down.

"Hey, what are you doing?" You say.

"I'm the man who pays the bills!" he shouts as pushes your head down onto his member.

You hear the first man begin to moan as you begin to suck on his prick. You see the second man close his eyes in pleasure and you laugh. You begin to slowly suck on the two men, swirling your tongue around both of their heads and jiggling it back and forth.

You feel the two men begin to tense up as they start to approach their end. You quickly begin to deep throat the two men, sending them over the edge. You begin to feel their warm semen enter your mouth as you quickly swallow it all. Not a single drop is wasted. You gently finish sucking on the two men, swallowing the last remnants of their lust.

The two men stand there, panting heavily. You get up and gently pat the second man's head.

"Good boy." You say.

You quickly morph your whole body into a giant blob. Engulfing the two men in you. You feel them Both inside of you, moving around. It feels good.

"Ah… this is great!" you moan.

You slowly melt them in you. You feel their bodies slowly weakening as they begin to drown in your fluids.

"H-hey… S-stop…" The first man says.

You ignore his pleas and continue to melt the two of them into a liquid substance. Quickly, only two pairs of balls are left floating in you. You let the balls float in you, making them constantly producing fresh cum directly in you. you grow larger as you begin swallowing the balls which produce more of their semen in you. They continue to float around, occasionally bumping into each other and sending a fresh jolt of pleasure through your body. You begin to crawl around the cave, sending warm fluids out of your body and splashing all over the walls of the cave. You laugh and moan as you begin to fill up the cave with your bodily fluids. Your magical abilities allow you to absorb most of it, but you soon reach the surface. Time to take an human shape to seduce whoever you could meet.

You begin your way to the nearest city. Even if you don't need, you wish to feed again soon. You wonder if you can find a man that would accept to be your eternal sexual servant. But for now, your only concern is reaching the next man that you will drain from his semen.

You look at the men around you. You feel like your powers have grown stronger since what happened earlier.

You say "Here is someone here who want to spent the rest of his life blowing cum in me?"

You take human form again and begin to stroll down the road. You can feel the two pairs of balls floating in you, still producing cum that increases your magical powers. Soon, you can sense people approaching.

You wait patiently for two humans to come into view. You almost feel bad for what you are about to do. Almost.

"Hello there!" You call out to them.

The two men, a redneck-looking fellow and a skinny pale man with a laptop computer walk up to you. You feel both of their desires fill you.

"Hello," Redneck says, "Are you a lost girl?"

"No," You say, "I just like walking in the woods."

You slowly walk around them, deliberately rubbing against both. You can feel their desires growing.

"I think we should help her find her lost folks," The redneck says.

You fix your eyes on both of them as you slowly begin undressing.

"Alright honey, why don't you come with us and we'll find your people," Redneck says.

You can feel them both about to give in completely. You have never felt anyone's desires so strongly before. You feel like you are about to cum from just looking at their hearts and minds.

"You two… will do anything if I ask?" You say slowly.

"Anything," they both say in unison, their eyes filling with lust.

You continue to undress as you step forward and embrace the redneck, pressing your body against his. You gently press your lips against his, and his mouth opens, your tongue entering his mouth. His arms wrap around you as his hands begin to grope your ass and pussy. You moan into his mouth as you feel his hand begin to stroke your body. You slide your hands around his head, running your hands through his thick beard.

The other man stares at you, sitting there and watching.

"You may join in anytime," You say to him softly.

He gets up and walks over, unbuttoning his pants. He frees his thin dick as he begins to stroke it gently. You break the kiss with the redneck and turn to look at him. You see him staring at you, looking desperate and hungry. You smile and motion him forward.

"Come on, my little victim. Show me what you got."

He wastes no time in kneeling in front of you. You turn and lower yourself so that your pussy is right in front of his face. He wastes no time and begins to eagerly lick your pussy, beginning to enjoy your taste.

The fluid he drinks from your body enslave him to lust. He don't notice that you morphed to have two face sides, taking care of the two guys simultaneously. He just knows that he desperately loves you and want to please you in anyway possible.

The other man, the redneck looking one, is less enamored by you. He seems like the typical boy next door type. He is enjoying himself, but seems to be holding back. He kisses you, but doesn't dive deep like the other one did. You happily pull it to you, surrounding his whole body with your slime while the nerd continues to eat your wet pussy. The redneck struggles and goes into fear as his air runs out, but your magic allows him breath your fluid safely. You keep him in your embrace, never letting him escape as his body becomes motionless.

You focus back on the nerd, who continues to feast on your pussy. You find a particular spot to focus on, a little bundle of nerves that most people ignore. With the nerd's inexperience, you easily manipulate him into focusing on that area and quickly have him going mad with lust.

"Oh! I'm… I'm gonna… OAN!" He quickly slips under your control, begging for you to let him cum.

"Not yet!" you say, keeping him from reaching orgasm.

You quickly motion the redneck over and command the nerd to suck your redneck's dick. The nerd quickly does as he's told, looking ravenous. The redneck face twists in pleasure as he quickly gets closer to orgasm.

"Oh… Oh! I'm gonna… OAAAAHHHH!" The redneck have orgasm spasms, you quickly pull him back inside your slime body, then he blow his thick semen from inside you.As he cums, he begin screaming in pain. "Oh God! Oh God! It burns! It burns!" You are dissolving him in you, keeping only his balls safe. Soon you now have three pairs of balls floating in your slime. The nerd, still hypnotized by lust, seeing what happens to his friend, ask you to absorb him too.

"Oh please! Let me join my friends! I don't want to be alone!"

You smile, accepting his plea. You lower him in your body, dissolving him into your fluid. You carefully grab his balls and let them soak into your body. You now have four males balls floating around you, producing semen to increase your power. You feel full, satisfied with your food.

You lie down and begin to drift off, content with your work.

The balls produce semen for you, nourishing you and keeping you full. You don't need to eat anymore, for you have swallowed enough balls to last a lifetime, but more balls means more pleasure and more power so why only four pairs?

You lay down and slowly falling asleep as you wait for more men to arrive. They always do.

Most of them try to save one friend, then the rest follow. You smile and drift off to sleep. You have sated your lust for today, so you can take a break.

You lye on the floor like a regular water flaque but anyone who would walk on you risks to be instantly liquefied and assimilated. For now, you're just a water woman.

You are a water woman. Your body is now made of 90% water and you feel powerful. You are ready for anything!

You wait patiently for more men to arrive and offer their balls to you. You lie down and slowly fall asleep. Time passes, maybe a few hours, maybe a lot more. You slowly wake up and realize someone has placed their head into your body. "Hey! There's a human-like thing in there!"

You say "Hi! what are you doing inside me? Can I help you?"

"Please help me! I'm trapped, can you let me go?" "I don't have will to do that. But maybe I could change my mind if you explain me why you put your head inside a sleeping slime girl."

"It's a long story." "I'm not going anywhere." "Well okay then!" He says.

"My name is Tom, and I'm a drop out." "A drop out?" "Yeah, I left my university a year ago. It was an engineering course, so I could build…"

You stop listening to the story and let it wash over you. It doesn't really matter. Whatever it is he does, it won't help him now. There is nothing he can do. You could liquefy him in an instant, but why bother? "Are you still there?" He asks, and you realize he has stopped talking.

"Sorry, I didn't hear the end of your story. It's not important anyway." "Oh. Well, it doesn't matter." "So what were you doing in here?"

"I was looking for my friend. He was pretty drunk, and I think he might have come in here when you… surprised him."

"You mean, when I absorbed him." "Yeah. Can I see him?" "No." "Please?" You sigh, not wanting to repeat yourself." "No, you may not see him." "Are you going to kill me?" "I might." You pause, waiting for a response, but realize he is too scared to answer. "Probably. If I let you go, will you run and tell your friends to not look for you?" "Yeah. I'm not going to wait around to be killed." "Okay then, get out of here. Quickly!" You feel him exit you, and you wait for him to go before speaking again. "I'm going to count to ten. If you haven't left by then, I will pursue. One. Two. Three." You hear a shuffle and then the door open and close. You wait a few more seconds before saying "Ten" out loud. "Thanks for playing, human! You go out then throw slime tentacles in multiple directions. One of them sticks on the running human's back. "Hahaha! I caught you!" Then you retract all your tentacles but the one attached to your pray. You slowly walk between the threes, your prey can't escape anymore. "You still want to see your friend?" You move a pair of balls along the tentacle then make them floating in front of his face. "That all that it rests from his body. And yours will join soon." You reach him then lift him up. You take his cock an balls in your mouth. Then you start to liquefy his flesh at your lips contact without he feels pain, once separated from his body, you swallow his whole genital stuff. He screams from fear but quickly be intrigued about the absence of pain. "I want to try something new with you. I will dissolve only your body. Your mind will stay alive, attached to this cock which is now floating inside me." You move the others fours pairs of balls and attach them to your new cock. "Be happy, you're only one purpose is now to cum inside me. Forever." Then you laugh and drown your prey in you with your tentacles, finally liquefy and assimilate him.

You feel powerful, like never before. You have absorbed a human without killing him. You can do it again! But who should you target now? Who should you kill? Who should you make your slave?

You go to nearest the city in human form then enter the first tavern you found. Everybody stare at you immediately overwhelmed by your supernatural sex appeal. "Who is your best hunter?" You ask, and the whole room becomes silent. "The… The best hunter?" One dares to answer. "Yes, the best hunter. I want him to find me the most humanliest delicious prey he can find within three days." You give one of your fancy jewel to the bartender. "Here, give this to him when he comes back." You turn on your heels and leave.

The next night, the same man that enter in the tavern approaches you. The jewel you gave him is now on your hand. "I'm ready." He says. You smile and bring him to the darkest alley of the city. You start giving him orders. He is your prey now, you are the hunter. His job is to run and hide, to dodge and frighten. You give him a head start then pursue him. He screams like a little girl when he notices you are following him. The chase last for three days, and you enjoy every single second of it. But you are the alpha predator, and he is nothing to you. Eventually, you decide you had played enough with his survival instinct and corner him in a dead end alley. You change back to your true form, a twelve feet large purple mass and absorb your prey. Your tentacles liquefy his organs while you bring them into your body. Once again, you keep only his balls safe, attaching them with the five others pairs to the cock floating in your slime.

The process is exalting, Then you turn back to human form, a little taler than before and go back to the tavern.

You give back the jewel to the bartender, who stares at you in awe. "The best hunter of the village is dead?" He asks. "Yes." You reply.

You say "He wasn't able to survive me. And his defeat doom you all."

You give a smile to the bartender. He looks confused but steps back. "I'm sorry… I think I have to go…" he says and quickly leaves the tavern. You slowly move to a table and sit down. Everyone else in the tavern is trying their best not to look directly at you. You are now far too powerful to be looked at directly. It is a status that you have earned, and now, you are really starting to enjoy it. You order a drink and receive it after a few minutes. You take a look at the people in the tavern. It was a humble village before you appeared, and it will most likely remain humble after you absorbed its best hunter. But that is how it should be. You are the alpha predator of this world, and you will not tolerate any serious resistance. You drink your ale and decide to enjoy the rest of the night there.

Suddenly multiple slime tentacles spurt out of you, one for each male in the tavern, dissolving clothes on the way to reach their balls. Everyone but you drops to the floor screaming in fear. You calmly move to the exit of the tavern retracting all your tentacles to bring 34 new pairs of balls to your body. Then you leave the place opening the door with your mind.

There is no one in the street. Everyone must be hiding inside their houses, not wanting to come into your sight. That's fine.

You walk in the main street toward the castle. The cock in you constantly blowing cum from the 40 pairs of balls you own, you feel your power increasing at each spurt.

You can take this slow and steady, or you can speed up the process. You decide to speed it up, and begin to release pheromones into the air. The first thing you notice is that the villagers hiding in their houses begin to come out. The second thing you notice is all the villagers are out and they are all naked.

The men start getting erections as they look at you. The women start getting wet as they look at you. You feel your powers expanding over the villagers, and their wills crumpling before you.

The women start to collect cum from the men and come to offer it to you. You absorb all that she spread on your slimy skin as you continue your way to the Castle.

The Castle's gates open, and the guards step out in awe of your presence. You look at them, and they instantly start moving for you.

"I'm here to see the Cumceress, I have important news about the alpha predator." The guards step aside to let you in. You walk past them toward the castle. You notice the guards moving to grab their cocks, but they don't. Whatever power the Cumceress has, she must extend it to her servants. You are lead to the castle's banquet hall. You walk in on a large feast, with many naked men and women eating, drinking, dancing, and fucking. The whole room gets quiet as everyone turns to look at you.

The Cumceress sits in her throne. She looks at you with disdain, and licks her lips.

"What do you want?" You look up at her and smile. "I'm here to conquer your castle, and bring the world into a new age of pleasure."

She laughs. "A feisty one, aren't you? Most slimes are just content on filling up their stomachs, unlike us humans who explore the cosmos and go on grand adventures."

"I'm here to satisfy more than just hunger." She gets off her throne and walks toward you, looking down at you with distain.

"And just what, may I ask, makes you think you can take this castle from me? Looks like you're lucky if you can take on one of my many handsome guards."

"I'm more than just a pretty face. I have powers you've never seen before. With these powers, I will conquer and pillage every cell of your body."

You see a bead of sweat roll down her face as she tries to maintain her composure. You know she's worried, but is trying to play it off like she isn't.

You say "At first, stop being called Cumceress, it's the name of your Goddess, you're only the queen of her order."

"Fine, I'll stop being called the Cumceress then. Now, what is your name?" "Lisa."

"Well then Lisa, you've come to conquer my castle and bring the world into a new age of pleasure, how do you plan to do that?" "I plan to drown every single mind of the universe in eternal pleasure."

"Well, that sounds fun, but I'm not sure if that's possible. I don't think you're able to do it."

You say "So let's begin with you!"

"I guess we could start with me, to see what you're exactly capable of." She grabs your hand and raises it up for the crowd to see.

"Everyone, it seems that our new friend here has some interesting powers. Watch as she shows us what she's capable of with only one victim." The crowd cheers as she begins to lead you away. You are lead down a hallway and into a room with a massage table, which she pushes you down on. She begins to undress you, smiling as she does so.

"So Lisa, or do you have a real name?" "My real name is unpronounceable to your species, so everyone just calls me Lisa."

"A real name's important no matter what species you are, but I suppose we'll find out soon enough." She puts her hands on your shoulders and begins to massage you.

But as she press her hands on your slimy skin, she enters in you body. The time she realize, half of their arms are into you and their boobs touch your back. She scream as she realize what's happening, but it's too late. "How does it feel, knowing you're being assimilated?"

You feel her arms moving inside you as she tries to push you up against the table, but it doesn't matter. "Do you give up?"

The girl screams as her arm is absorbed into you, up to the shoulder now. "Do you surrender?" Her other arm is absorbed, and then her torso disappears into you. Only her legs now are visible, but they're quickly absorbed as well. Afterwards, you stand up and feel stronger than ever. You feel like you could take on the whole room now.

Only her mind still exists inside your fluid mass, feeling only pleasure for eternity. You too can feel the pleasure she get from being a part of you.

"I guess with powers like that, it won't take long to conquer the whole world." You smile as you imagine every living being in the world feeling eternal bliss forever.

You're brought out of your thoughts as you feel the presence of another consciousness. Your senses show you a figure not too far away. You go back to the feast room. Everyone is praying. Calling the Ultimate sex Goddess to rescue them. Even as you approach, they continue their prayers. "Oh Goddess Cumceress, we beg you, save us from this foul creature!" You don't even try to stop them, you want to meet this Goddess. You were once told she was nothing but a myth, but that was before you absorbed the mind of her high priestess. You knew then that it was only a matter of time until you met her.

You leave the prayer room for a large open room with several doors. One of the doors has a blue light coming out of it, that must be where she is.

"It's alright, I will protect you." You enter the blue room to find a massive orgy. Dozens of men and women all fucking each other. The scent of sperm and sweat fills the room, and the noise of moans and groans almost drowns out all other sound.

You try to focus, and realize that in the middle of it all is the Goddess. A woman with long blond hair and massive breasts. She is the center of attention, as men suck on her tits and men swirl around her, waiting for there chance to fuck her.

You try to remember her name, but you can't. You can only think of her as the Goddess. It's all you need to know. She sees you and walks over, a smile on her face.

"I felt your presence get stronger, and I came as fast as I could! Did you bring me a sacrifice to titillate my senses?"

She rubs her breasts against you, as you gently caress her back. "Yes, Goddess." You form a hand around her ass and slowly penetrate her. She gasps in excitement, before smiling.

"Oh yes, fuck me hard with your tendril! I want to feel it go deep inside of me!" You oblige her request, and soon she is screaming in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck! Yes! I am the Goddess! You are all my slaves! Bow down to me and give all of you energy to me!" None of the men around her stop. She attempts to take their life force, but your presence is too strong. Instead of seeing aged, withered bodies, she sees healthy men and women happy and enjoying themselves.

"What is this trickery?" You decide to answer. "No trickery, you are just meeting The One now." She brings her eyes up to meet yours.

"Oh, you must be the other one, I heard about you. You've been busy as of late. So has this one really taken over the world?" You nod, and she smiles.

"Perfect, so we are ready to take over Arduenna." You are surprised by her eagerness.

"Aren't you going to fight back?" She laughs, and begins touching herself.

"Why would I do that? Life is pleasure, and you would be wise to remember that. Join me and become my companion, we can rule the world together!"

You say "As Goddess, your ego his so huge that you don't realize that I'm here to absorb your being."

"My ego?" You nod, and her eyes open wide in shock. "No! I am beauty! I am perfection!" You give her a happy smile, and she looks ready to cry.

"I'm sorry, I just see the truth. You are a shell, floating through the galaxy in a never-ending search for pleasure and eternal orgasms." "You monster! I trusted you!"

Her eyes begin to water, and she shakes her head in frustration. "I don't want to die!" You extend your arms out and hug her tightly.

You calm her down as you surround her body with your slime.

You embrace her, and she begins crying once more. "Can't we just forget this and stay here together?" You shake your head sadly, as she continues.

"I don't want to die, not like this!" You begin caressing her hair and tell her that everything will be OK. She begins to melt in you in pure pleasure bliss.

"Join me, become one with me." Her pleasuring soft voice is now beginning to sound desperate. "We can live forever, just join me."

You say "I'm not joining you. I'm assimilating you."

"No, please! I don't want to die!" She begins crying again, begging you to spare her. You continue pleasuring her, as the men watch on in shock.

Then she disappear in you. The bliss of pleasure is so powerful that every life forms felt it kilometres around. All other lifeforms are quickly absorbed, and you bask in the wonderful feeling of thousands upon thousands of orgasms. The One is finally complete. The end.